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Crowdfunding for Nonprofits: Raising Funds for Your Cause


Non Profit organizations play an important role in the social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of our society. In this article, we will look at the different aspects of Non Profit organizations and how they function.  We need a mechanism which will show us the challenges in our community and the Non Profit Organizations play the exact part in our community. We will also look at various options for crowdfunding for nonprofits.

Nonprofits exist to fulfill a specific mission or purpose, which may include advancing education, promoting health, supporting the arts, alleviating poverty, or protecting the environment. Nonprofits have a specific goal and they work with the generous individuals who are willing to come forward to help the people who are in desperate need. Many people donate money and some volunteer for a special cause with nonprofits. Nonprofits operate for the betterment of the public rather than the stakeholders or investors.

Non Profit organizations are also governed by trustees or board of directors who help the non profit organization to work in the smoothest way. They look after the daily work and legal and ethical compliances of the Non Profit organization. They also make sure that profits are not accumulated by any individuals and the profits are reinvested further to the betterment of the society or invested for solving a particular issue.

Types of Non Profit Organizations

Charitable organizations:

Many charitable organizations work towards different causes to help society as a whole or an individual who is in need. The causes can differ like women empowerment, child education, healthcare, financial emergency etc. These charitable institutions gather funding from generous members of the community and they invest that amount to assist a particular individual in society.

Religious Organization:

Many religious institutions like temples, churches, mosques work in the field of spreading the good messages of the religion and maintain harmony in the society. Many religious organizations collect money from the wealthy generous donors and use that money to spread the religious message to the followers.

Educational Institutions:

Many organizations work in the field of building schools and colleges to spread education to all corners of the country across all communities. These organizations also work in the field of skill enhancement and youth development.

Social Welfare Organizations:

Social welfare organizations work to uplift the marginalized communities of the society. They work for elderly, immigrants, and people with disabilities.

Trade Associations:

Trade associations represent the interests of professionals, businesses, or industries. These Organizations collect money from the established businesses and work in providing the facilities to new upcoming businesses and help them grow in the industry.

What is crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is a method of raising funds with the help of friends, family members, consumers, followers,  and other generous individuals. It usually occurs online with the help of online technologies. Crowdfunding is an alternative for other traditional methods of raising funds to support any cause like social or economic. If an individual is seeking money to raise funds for his medical treatment then he can start a crowdfunding campaign and generous donors will contribute to the cause of his treatments. In such a case that individual does not need to ask for a loan from the bank. Crowdfunding allows individuals and small businesses to access funding more easily.

Steps in a Crowdfunding Campaign

Project Proposal:

The individual of a Non Profit organization who is seeking contribution will create a proposal regarding the cause and then they can create a compelling story and promote their campaigns. They outline their project, set a funding goal, and specify a timeline for reaching that goal.

Marketing and Promotion:

In this step the campaign which is created needs to be delivered to the backers. In today’s digital world billions of users are available on the internet. Crowdfunding campaigns are run across the internet on various crowdfunding platforms.

The Ravik Foundation is one of the best crowdfunding platforms in India. The Ravik Foundation has a strong community of backers and Ravik foundation has vast experience in hosting successful crowdfunding campaigns in causes like Food and HungerWomen Empowermentpreserving arts and culturechild education and many more.

With the help of social media and various other online websites The Ravik Foundation can convey the message and urgency to its followers and through this method it is very easy to raise sufficient funds towards the cause.

Backer Contributions:

Once the appeal is made to the donors then the donors contribute towards the cause. In the exchange the donor might expect a specific reward. These rewards can vary widely depending on the nature of the project and the amount contributed.

Reaching the Goal:

The campaigns are designed in such a way that they will run till a specific period of time and if the goal is not achieved or the timeline expires then the backers are not charged. 

Project Execution:

Once the funding is complete and the desired fundraising target it reached then the creators should complete the project as outlined in the campaign. The creators are expected to deliver proper updates and reports to the backers on a timely basis while the project is under progress.

Rewards Fulfillment:

Many times while outlining the campaign the creator promises specific rewards to the backers like some acknowledgement of mention in the online article as publishing the name in the donor's list. Hence once the project is completed then it is the duty of the creator to fulfill the commitment. 

Crowdfunding for Nonprofits in India

India is a big populated country having a population around 1.4 billion. The government is struggling to provide many basic facilities to its citizens in fields like healthcare, education, women empowerment, arts and culture preservation, community development, food and hunger.  Many organizations are formed to address these issues which do not work to generate any profit but they work for public good. These organizations are termed as Nonprofits.

In India there are many people whose income is very low. They live near the poverty line in India. Access to quality education, healthcare is not possible for them due to poverty. Nonprofits work for these people as they assist them in raising funds so that they can get their medical treatment done or they can send their children to schools or empower the women in such communities. Nonprofits achieve their goals with the help of generous donors who are willing to donate to such social causes.

Crowdfunding for nonprofits is mainly done through online technologies. With the widespread availability of internet connectivity and the increasing use of smartphones, online platforms have become accessible to people across urban and rural areas alike.

Nonprofits benefit most from compelling storytelling in the campaigns.  The Ravik Foundation is the most successful crowdfunding platform in India and focuses on creating strong fundraising campaigns. 

There are many other crowdfunding platforms like MilaapKettoimpactguru, and many more working in India who work on crowdfunding for nonprofits. A strong storytelling with videos and images compels the donor to contribute towards the cause. Due to online payment methods it is very easy for the donors to contribute small amounts as well. Even the small amounts from many donors create a big impact on the total fundraising amount. 

Crowdfunding platforms have different plans with respect to their charges and fees. Some platforms charge a one time amount and some charge the percentage of commission from the amount generated with the help of their platforms. There are many free features available with the platforms and for premium features the user needs to pay a specific amount of charges to the platform. 

In addition to financial support many people volunteer for the social causes for the events organized by the nonprofits. This is also another way to contribute towards the cause. By engaging directly with their supporters, nonprofits can build a vibrant community of advocates and ambassadors who are passionate about their cause. By this the community engagement increases and it is good marketing for the nonprofit organization.

Support for crowdfunding for nonprofits for social causes is increasing every year. It depends on the nonprofits to get connected with best online platforms like the Ravik Foundation for their crowdfunding efforts. The nonprofits should work towards all the communities covering the entire country. Nowadays due to the access of social media channels the public is well aware of various issues that exist in our country and they are ready to contribute towards solving these issues.

As India is getting into digital economy status there and digital literacy rate is good in India. Hence the donation methods should be user friendly and easy to use. The Nonprofits should maintain transparency in their approach and should deliver all the progress reports about the crowdfunding campaigns with their backers.By harnessing the collective power of individuals and communities, nonprofits can drive positive social change and create a brighter future for India and its people.


In this article we have discussed what is a non profit organization and how to do crowdfunding for nonprofits. We have also discussed different types of non profit organizations. We have mentioned in detail what crowdfunding and crowdfunding is in India. We have discussed the importance of a good crowdfunding platform like The Ravik Foundation to host a strong crowdfunding platform. As we look towards the future, nonprofit crowdfunding will undoubtedly play a central role in shaping the philanthropic landscape and advancing the cause of social justice and human dignity in India.


What is a nonprofit organization?

Nonprofits is an organization which is formed not to make profits but to work for public good. Nonprofits take part in various social causes and they create awareness in public to eradicate the social evil.

How does the nonprofit organization work?

A nonprofit organization has trustees or board of directors and they make sure the organization is working in proper manner and adhering to all the legal policies of the government. Many volunteers work for nonprofits to conduct events and functions.

What types of projects or initiatives can be funded through nonprofit crowdfunding in India?

India is a big country with a big population. Since India is a developing nation it has a lot of issues in various communities and sections of society. Non Profit organizations work in the field of women empowerment, child education, financial emergencies, medical emergencies, food and hungerart and culture preservation

How do nonprofits in India benefit from crowdfunding?

In today’s world every organization requires money to operate and nonprofits are no exception to that. Nonprofits create crowdfunding campaigns with crowdfunding platforms like the Ravik Foundation and they use the funds generated from generous donors to solve the social issues of individuals or groups of individuals. 

Which crowdfunding platforms are available for nonprofits in India?

The Ravik Foundation is the best crowdfunding platform in India which has gained trust of many nonprofit organizations. There are other platforms like MilaapKettoImpactguru which work in the similar field of crowdfunding. 

Are there any fees associated with nonprofit crowdfunding in India?

Crowdfunding platforms typically charge fees for their services, including platform usage fees, payment processing fees, and sometimes additional fees for premium features or support services.

What are some examples of successful nonprofit crowdfunding campaigns in India?

The Ravik Foundation has been part of many successful crowdfunding campaigns like art and culture preservationFood and hunger, Women Empowerment, Child education.

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